
Some main resources and collections*:

Ciberia: "El principal objetivo de la Biblioteca Digital Ciberia: Literatura Digital en Español  es seleccionar, catalogar y dar a conocer obras que pertenecen a un campo  nuevo de la creación literaria, aquella que ha nacido fruto de la fusión entre la  sensibilidad literaria y la innovación tecnológica informática. Esta biblioteca digital pretende ser un campo de experimentación internacional para la creación de redes semánticas interoperables a través de las cuales se genere  investigación e innovación de calidad y nuevos modelos teóricos de  interpretación de textos literarios." (CIBERIA)

Hermeneia's Digital Anthology: "This anthology comprises more than 700 digital literary works and is a real testament to the diversity of electronic literature on the Web. With dynamic poetry, hypertextual narrative, hypertext essay, cyberdrama and generated literature, electronic literature has begun to explore the possibilities that digital technologies offer to new creators. By the same token, this anthology is also a clear of example of the myriad of literary works in different languages that emerge each day in the digital environment." (HERMENEIA

Literatura electrónica hispánica: "La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes lidera la digitalización del patrimonio literario hispánico y su libre acceso desde Internet. Hasta ahora la preservación y difusión de este tesoro común se limitaba a obras que han perdurado en el soporte tradicional del libro de papel. La literatura electrónica es mucho más efímera, no queda grabada en una materia física que puede durar siglos. Por tanto, esta Biblioteca se hace auténticamente virtual proponiéndose también albergar y difundir obras que sólo tienen existencia en el ciberespacio. Aparecerán aquí variedades impensables en la galaxia Gutenberg: hipernovelas, novelas multimedia, webnovelas, blognovelas, novelas colectivas, wikinovelas..., un frondoso panorama que la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes invita a descubrir en el X Aniversario de su fundación." (BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL MIGUEL DE CERVANTES)  

Spanish Language Electronic Literature: "The aim of the Spanish Language Electronic Literature collection is to provide a way for scholars, writers and artists to get to know the electronic literary works, authors, critical writing and events related to the field of electronic literature written in Spanish. This collection includes works by Spanish and Latin American authors of electronic literature including: hypertext fiction, e-poetry, webnovels, blognovels, collective novels and wikinovels. This collection has been made using databases from other Websites and it also includes creative works which are not published in any anthology but are published in individual Websites from authors and artists. The Websites which have been used to complete this collection are: Fundación Cervantes Literatura Electrónica Hispánica, Hermeneia, Ciberia, Proxecto, Electronic Literature Directory from the Electronic Literature Organization, NT2 Répertoire Des Arts et Littératures Hypermédiatiques, Hipertulia, Biblumliteraria, the blog of Literatura Electrónica and Arte y políticas de identidad.There are certain needs in the field of electronic literature, according to Félix Remírez, these are the following ones: 1. The literary corpus should increase. 2. The text should be the focus, the story should not be hidden with special effects that can be of no interest at all. 3. There must be professional criticism on digital works. (Literatura digital. Cul de Sac, 2012). This collection facilitates and disseminates the literary production, research and events related to electronic literature in Spanish language from the last seventeen years." (ELMCIP)

Electronic Literature Organization Collection: "The Electronic Literature Collection is a periodical publication of current and older electronic literature in a form suitable for individual, public library, and classroom use. Both volume 1 and volume 2 of the publication are available online; volume 1 is also available as cross-platform CD-ROM, while volume 2 is available on a USB flash drive, both in a cases appropriate for library processing, marking, and distribution. The contents of the Collection are offered under a Creative Commons license so that libraries and educational institutions will be allowed to duplicate and install works and individuals can share the Collection with others." (ELO

Electronic Literature Directory: "Provides an extensive database of listings for electronic works and their authors. Bibliographic information on pre-Web and other offline work is included, along with links to a great deal of work that is only a click away. The descriptive entries cover poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction works of electronic literature, including hypertexts, animated poems, interactive fiction, multimedia pieces, text generators, and works that allow reader collaboration. The directory allows readers and students to easily list all of an author’s works and to browse through different genres of work." (ELO

E-Poetry: List of books and periodicals (Digital Library) and list of authors 

I <3 E-Poetry: "This project is designed as a quick reference for those unfamiliar with e-poetry, with concise entries that provide poetic, technological, and theoretical contexts, close readings of the poems, and some strategies for readers to approach the work" 

*in constant progress


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